Excel Ministries Uganda

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Kagoma, Soweto –

Wakiso, Uganda

Volunteer in Africa


Volunteer work in classrooms, choosing what ages and topics to teach. Art and sport are the most popular. Traditional teaching in Uganda is rote learning and memorization which produces students with grades, but have little practical application of classroom knowledge. Our aim is to encourage innovation, creativity, teamwork, fun, literacy, and general knowledge in primary school students. We work on practical science projects with both teachers and our learners to enhance understanding, comprehension and application of concepts in real life. We have so far partnered with Excel kids Academy and Excellent Life church ministries www.excelkids.excelministriesug.org  to provide such opportunities to volunteers. partner with us, impact communities create a vibrant tomorrow



Youths-sports and academia


If you have a knack for working with the youth, are dedicated to mentoring, and have a passion for teaching and becoming a role model, then you’ve come to the right place! Whether you’re interested in teaching, performing arts, sports, your experience with us is both fulfilling and impact driven. Through various youth packages designed by our main partners www.excelkids.excelministriesug.org these opportunities are taking shape


Volunteers work alongside groups in their communal gardens in preparing soil, planting seeds, spreading mulch, weeding, harvesting and other activities. Our aim is to teach efficient and effective land use, organic pest control, and nutrition. Join the effort to plant thousands of fruit trees in Uganda!. Fruit trees provide sustainable nutrition and incomes to families and elevates them from  poverty as well as combating the Green house effects. Wildheart and partners have established demonstration farms at migade-kakerenge, Bombo kalule and Zirobwe  that aim at arranging demonstration workshops where agricultural-volunteer expert teams will have opportunities to offer agricultural-advise and demonstrate agricultural knowledge to farmers that will enhance modern farming techniques. we will also provide tree seedlings and improved crop seed varieties to improve yields. be part of this cause tour and volunteer with us lets save our mother earth by going green with wildheart African safaris.

Nutritional vegetable gardening:

Nutritional vegetable gardening, cooking and community sanitation programs aim to support rural and peri-urban public health in communities.

We organize and  coordinate different volunteer- Nutritionists to teach and train individual homesteads how to have home grown vegetables in  small space gardens, and how to promote good nutrition in homesteads. We encourage any volunteers in this field from wherever they may be to join us in this cause of wishing for healthy communities . on our demonstration homes and villages, organic vegetable growing is being demonstrated but we would wish for other volunteer groups to join the race to spread through different communities around Uganda.   A tour or volunteer with wildheart safari is a green flag to this great experiences that impact communities.

Cultural/community development

Working in community development is perhaps one of the most in-demand, challenging, and diverse volunteer opportunities available on a global scale today. Few things are more rewarding than immersing oneself in a new culture and empowering communities by helping them achieve the awareness necessary to have greater control over their financial, physical and environmental health disciplines. Community development breaks down into many different categories but is generally defined as social groups of people working together towards a common goal of building a sustainable community. Wild heart in partnership with www.excelkids.excelministriesug.org are in preparations and lobbying to see comprehensive establishments of a cultural villages/centers that will aim at providing social,economic,health and leadership values to empower  communities. Be part of this great dream, tour and volunteer with us.

Business clinics, micro financing

Come join us in our efforts to fight poverty by supporting our business development processes through entrepreneurship workshops, seminars and conferences . You can share your experiences as a business owner, teach personal finance classes to women, youths or any special groups in the Village so that they can become financially literate. The opportunity to live in communities and have direct personal involvement in training and mentorship to local people is very fulfilling. You can also participate is raising small startup capital, for village/community based organisations, saving groups  micro financing.  For ready and willing volunteers and groups, wild heart is more ready to partner and collaborate as you contribute towards these program.



In between your volunteer time or at the end, sneak out to see the beauty of Uganda at a very affordable cost. From the vast, arid savannas of the north to the cooler -even snow peaked mountains and forests of the southwest, Uganda offers a staggering range of experiences: whether your desire is to Whitewater raft the Nile, go on safari to see lions, giraffes and elephants, or relax on the sandy shores of the Ssesse Islands of Lake Victoria, (the third largest freshwater lake in the world), we have it all for you