Excel Education Services
We believe in education as a driving factor in development and paradigm shifts.
However, head education without heart transformation produces a citizenry that is incapable of transformation.
Our education programs go along with our character transformation programs to raise a generational of transformational agents.
Excel kids academy.
Excel kids’ academy is founded on the need to produce a Christ centered, innovative and all rounded child. Through discipleship, hands on learning and talents development. We use SWCH as our model, SWCH ~ Switch The idea is to Skill Whole Child with life skills. We focus at 3 areas: 1. Head: With the knowledge obtained from class 2. Heart: With materials and training obtained from One Hope Ministries. This includes the 17 stories of the bible -from Genesis to revelation-which are taught in a dramatic way 3. Hands on learning: With practical skills such as Weaving, tailoring, shoe making, bookmaking, liquid soap making, poultry, piggery, farming, etc. We equip our teachers to teach and add these values to their lessons.
Excel Digital skilling
We are looking at the Scratch programming language. Through coding, we hope to train our children, teachers, and community in the 21st-century skills of collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, and communication. The coding program is under the Nehemiah Digital Skills Project whose vision is to equip communities with digital skills such as Microsoft packages, the use of Email, Google, YouTube, Online business marketing strategies, internet Cafe, Photocopy, typing, and printing services.
Practical science and innovation
We love innovative learning of science and other subjects. We are creating models for innovative learning at excel kids academy. Our models are for both natural and physical sciences. These include
• Blood circulatory system
• Digestive system
• Excretory system
• Electric bell
• Bore hole
• Periscope
• Pinhole camera
• Microscope etc
Present and future plans at the Excel village
Excel Academy Tower (EAT)
We are constructing a storied house to provide adequate and good accommodation, as well as instruction rooms for the excel kids.
Excel Recreation/sports center (ERC)
We are planning on building a swimming pool, a soccer, basketball and netball play ground to develop our physical talents.
Excel Medical center (EMC)
We are planning to build an Excel medical center primarily targeting children and the elderly in the community